IMPORTANT: Hours Of Service Changes


Hours Of Service Changes Coming September 29th

Adverse Driving Conditions

  • Allows an extra two hours of driving and duty time for unexpected weather or traffic conditions. Includes:
    • 13 hours of drive time AND
    • 16 hours of duty

30 Minute Break

  • A break of at least 30 minutes is required after 8 hours of driving time.
  • On-duty (not driving) time may be counted as the driver’s mandatory break. Any combination of the following (of at least 30 consecutive minutes) will count as the break:
    • Off duty time
    • Sleeper berth time
    • On-duty (not driving) time

Split-Sleeper Berth

  • Allows the required 10 hours off duty to be split into two separate breaks. The split must be at least:
    • 7 hours in sleeper berth AND
    • 3 consecutive hours off duty and/or in sleeper berth
  • The two separate periods must total 10 hours (a 7/3 or 8/2 split). Neither period counts toward the 14 hour duty limit.

Air-Mile Radius Exception

  • Extends the air mile radius and time allowed to use the exception. The exception allows:
    • 14 consecutive hours of duty time AND
    • Travel within a 150 air mile radius

Drivers can call Safety if they have questions.